"*" indicates required fields NEMSMBR participants memorialize these Honorees during the Routes by: Reading the names of the Honorees each day at memorial services; Carrying dog tags and biographical information of the Honoree throughout the events, either while cycling or performing various logistical support roles; Sharing dog tags with family -- or colleagues -- of the Honoree during the Route, or upon conclusion of the event; Sharing with one another the unique qualities and details of each Honoree's accomplishments and sacrifices to the profession; and Displaying biographical information publicly in a "traveling temporary monument" in cities across the country. Submission for 2026 Routes are open. To request that a person who's End of Service is by December 31, 2025 and to be honored in our 2026 events, please complete the form below by January 31, 2026.Honoree's InformationName of Honoree* First Middle or Nickname Last This field is hidden when viewing the formFirst and Last Name of Honoree Pronunciation Assistance (optional)example: ROO-bee (Ruby) or VAY-duh (Veda)Date of Birth* Month Day Year City of Residence*State of Residence*ALAKAZARASCACOCTDEDCFLGAGUHIIDILINIAKSKYLAMEMDMAMIMNMSMOMTNENVNHNJNMNYNCNDMPOHOKORPAPRRISCSDTNTXUTVTVAVIWAWVWIWYEMS Cerification(s)*Please select the closest certification. EMT Paramedic First Responder Dispatcher Flight Paramedic Flight Nurse Other EMS Agency / Department / Affiliation*0 of 15 max charactersPlease choose ONE affiliation.Date of Death* Month Day Year Cause of Death*Please select the best fit from the choices below --Air Medical CrashAmbulance CrashCancerCardiac EventCOVID-19HomicideIllnessMedical EventMental Health ComplicationsMotorcycle AccidentMotor Vehicle AccidentPedestrian StruckStructure FireTraumatic Brain InjuryTraumatic InjuryUndisclosedWorld Trade Center IllnessOtherDo you plan to submit this individual to the National EMS Memorial Service? (This is NOT a submission to the National EMS Memorial Service)*Link for more information: National EMS Memorial Service Yes No Unsure Upload a photo*Please use the name of the honoree in the file name.Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif, Max. file size: 50 MB.Brief Biography and Accomplishments*(i.e. hobbies, surviving family, awards they’ve received)0 of 600 max charactersObituary* Provide a website link to an obituary.Submitter's InformationSubmitter's Name* First Last Submitter's Email* Enter Email Confirm Email Submitter's Phone*Relation to Honoree* Family Friend EMS Agency / Department Contact Learned of the situation from News or LODD announcement Intend to Ride in honor of this person in 2026 Routes Condolence Card Request (optional) to family and/or friends to EMS Service/Agency/Department members The National EMS Memorial Bike Ride would like to send notes of condolences whenever possible to surviving family members and colleagues. This will serve to remind the family members of the mission of the Ride, and of our interest in honoring their loved one.Condolence Cards Complete Address (separate each entry) While not all information provided may be used, the more information you provide allows us to honor each individual more fully.